

Saturday, 12 November 2016


      Digital circuit design which has evolved rapidly over last 25 years. earlier digital circuits were designed using vacuum tubes and transistors. Integrated circuits were then invented where logic gates were placed on a single chip. The first IC chips were SSI(small scale integration).  By improving the number of components on a single IC, MSI(medium scale integration) has been evolved. and again still improving LSI(large scale integration).
With the advent of LSI, designers started getting very complicated and felt the need of automate these processes. Electronic design automation(EDA) technique began to evolve. Still the number increased which given raise to VLSI(very large scale integration). here the number became 1,00,000 transistors on a single chip IC. Eventually, This can not be constructed on a bread board. Computer aided techniques became critical for functionality verification, placement and route at this point.
Designers were now building gate-level digital circuits manually on a graphical terminals. They were used in deriving higher level blocks. As designers got larger and complex, logic simulation assumed an important role in the design process.


importance of hdls
    1) Designs can be described at a very abstract level by use of HDLs.
    2) Designers can write RTL descriptions without choosing a specific fabrication technology.
    3) Logic synthesis tools can automatically convert the design to any fabrication technology.
    4) By describing designs in HDLs, functional verification of the design can be done early in the design cycle.
    5) Since designers work at the RTL level, they can optimise and modify the RTL description unit it meets the desired functionality.
    6) Designing with HDLs is analogous to computer programming.

 Design methodologies.
     There are two types of methodologies: a top-down and a down-top methodology. In top-down methodology , we define the top level block and identify the sub-blocks that are necessary to build the top level block. We further subdivide the sub-blocks until we come  to leaf cells.
   whereas, the bottom-top methodology is the counter of the top-bottom methodology.

     we now relate these hierarchical modelling concepts to verilog. Verilog provides the concept of module. Module is the basic building block of verilog. Typically, elements are grouped into modules that provide a common functionality which can be used at different design processes. Verilog is both a behavioural and a structural language.
Internals of each module can be defined in four different level of abstraction.Module behaves identically with the external environment irrespective of level of abstraction.
        a) Behavioural modelling.
             This is the highest level of abstraction by verilog HDL. A module can be implemented in terms of the desired design algorithm without concern of hardware implementation details. Designing at this level is very similar to C programming,
           Normally, the higher the level of abstraction, the more flexible and technology-independent the design.
        b) Dataflow modelling
             At this level, the module is designed by specifying the dataflow. The designers aware of how data flow between hardware registers and how the data is processed in the design
        c) Gate level modelling.
             The module is implemented in terms of logic gates and interconnections between these gates. Design at this level is similar to the describing a design in terms of a gate level logic diagram.
        d) Switch level modelling
             This is the lowest level of abstraction provided by verilog. A module can be implemented in terms of switches, storage nodes, and the interconnections between them.
Verilog allows the designer to mix all these abstract level in a design. In the digital design community the term RTL(register transfer level) is frequently used for the verilog description that uses a combination of behavioural an dataflow constructs and is acceptable to logic synthesis tools.
If a design contains four modules, verilog allows each of the module can be written in different level of abstraction. As the design matures, most modules are replaced with gate level implementations.

  A module provides a template from which you create actual objects. when a module is invoked, verilog creates a unique object from the template. Each object has its own name, variable,parameters, and I/O interface. The process of creating objects from a module template is called instantiation. and the object is called instances.In verilog it is illegal to nest modules. One module definition within the module and endmodule.

  Once the design block is completed, it must be tested. The functionality of the design block can be tested by applying stimulus and checking results. We call such block as STIMULUS block or a TESTBENCH.
This block can be written verilog only hence any other language is not required for that. It is a good practice to write design and testbench program separate.

system tasks and compiler directives
  verilog procure you standard system tasks for some routine functions. All these commands are appear in the form of "$<keyword>". Operations such as displaying on the screen , monitoring value of nets, stopping,and finishing are done by system tasks.
     Displaying information
     1) $display: it is the main system task for displaying values of variables or strings or expressions. This is one of the most useful task in verilog.
             usage:- $display(p1,p2,p3.....pn);
            p1,p2 can be quoted strings or variables or expressions. the format or a function is very much similar to the the printf function in c
     2) $monitor: verilog provides a mechanism to monitor a signal when its value changes. This facility is provided by the $monitor task.
             usage:- $monitor(p1,p2,p3.....pn);
            the syntax is similar for both task operators but the functionality is different.
     3)$stop: is provided to stop during simulation.
             usage:- $stop;
            The $stop task puts the simulation in an interactive mode. The designer can then debug the design from the interactive mode. The $stop task is used whenever the designer wants to stop and examine the results or states of the registers, nets or ports.
     4)$finish: this task used to terminate the simulation
             usage:- $finish;
 compiler directives
   all compiler directives are define by using the "`<keyword>".
     1)`define: this directive is used to define the text macros in verilog. The verilog compiler substitutes the text of the macro wherever it counters a `<macro_name>. this is similar to the #define inthe C programming. The defined constants or text macros are used in the verilog code by preceding them with a  `(back tick).
     2)`include: The `include directive allows you  to include entire contents of a verilog source file in another verilog file during compilation. this works similar to include in C.This directive typically include the header files, which typically contain global or commonly used definition.
     3)`timescale: Often in a simulation, delay values in one module need to be defined by using a certain time unit e.g. 1microsec, delay values in another module need to  be defined by using a different time unit.e.g. 1nanosec. Verilog allows reference time unit for module to be specified with `timescale compiler directive.
           usage:- `timescale <reference_time_unit>/<time_precision>.

Verilog is generally worked out or written in a software called XILINX SUITE ISE. which is user-friendly and much similar to C programming.

Now lets see an example program and functionality of every statement.
  verilog programming is case-sensitive and every statement should be terminated with ;(semi colon).
the program should end with endmodule.
  Here, is the program FOR  FULL ADDER USING  HALF ADDERS
    First we need design half adder and with that we can design full adder.


    the above program is for the design of half adder which you can see on the right side image.
 Lets discuss something about these different statements.
   module:- this is the start of the program. We had discussed earlier about module that it is the basic building block of the designing hardware in verilog.
  ha1:- This is the name given to the module. where we can differentiate from different modules. Here I have given a ha1 as my module name. Module name should not consist of any blank spaces and it should not start with any number.
   (sum,cout, a,b):- these are the list of ports or variables. We need to list the ports by a module name followed by list of ports in the parentheses. here I took  sum, cout, a,b as variables. Ports are nothing but a module communicates with external environment using ports. 
input, output:-these are called port declarations which says a particular port should behave either input or output port. 

      now, you can write the program about the functionality of the module using ports and variables.
after completion of it, you can check for any errors by clicking "check syntax" in processes window.

                     This is the program for full adder using two half adders.
          As I explained earlier about instantiation, here in full adder program, I just instantiated the half adder program by a ha1 in line number 5 and 6. By this process the program writing gets simpler.
instantiation is nothing but a process in which variables to the instantiated module are changed.

             Now, we completed the writing of source code. this is to be tested. So, we need to write the stimulus block or testbench for this code. The testbench for full adder program as shown below.,
  Testbench will also looks like source code but here we give the different inputs to the designed module hence, in the image or program a,b,cin are the given inputs for the full adder circuit. the output of this circuit can be seen by clicking on a "check behavioural simulation".

This is the result or the output of the full adder circuit.

           Since, this verilog HDL has many advantages such as easy, flexible, user-friendly. So, this programming is used for many logic designs, state machines, synchronous and asynchronous digital
designs. And it will also very helpful to students in developing the projects on digital system designs.

This is the information gathered from different references books and internet. If you have any feedback or any data was wrong please don't hesitate to write a comment below..


Friday, 11 November 2016





            Resistor is a passive component which opposes or limit the electric current flowing in a circuit.Resistor is a component which exhibits the property of resistance. It is just a kind of circuit element which implements a electrical resistance in a circuit. It basically works on principle of ohm's law.
           Before learning about a resistor, first we should apprehend about the term resistance.
Resistance is a property(or measure of) which oppose the electrical current. It is quantity inverse to electrical conductance. This property has been discovered by a scientist Georg Ohm in 1824. The SI units of resistance is "Ohms". In other words, resistance is defined as the ratio of voltage to the current.
                                                            where, V= Voltage
            resistance is more helpful in many circuits where we can apply any voltage to any element by just placing a resistor between those. The resistance value can be taken by the above formula. As illustrated. Consider a LED having a rated maximum current of 20mA and a supply as battery of 9V & 500mAh. If we directly connect the supply to that it burn out due to heavy current. hence we need to place a resistor to overcome. by using formula, R=450 ohms. now the light glown without burn out.
            generally, in circuits, the resistance can be represented by a symbol as shown,

resistance symbol by american standards.

resistance symbol by IEC(International Electrotechnical commission) standards

            Resistance typically can be understood by an example. A water is flowing in a pipe having a same diameter throughout it. If we reduce the diameter at some place the flow of water tends to drop.
Here we can say water as  a current in the circuit which can be a voltage drop due to the resistance in a circuit.

        Depending upon usage and construction of the resistors they are classified into varies types.
  • Fixed resistors.
  • variable resistors
  • depending on physical quantities.
1)Fixed resistors :-
          these are of fixed resistance value. where these have constant fixed values like 500ohms, 2.2kohms etc. This are made up of different types such as carbon film, metal film, wire wound, metal oxide film.
     a) carbon film:  

                A carbon film is deposited on an insulating substrate, and a helix is cut in it to create a long, narrow resistive path. Varying shapes, coupled with the resistivity of amorphorus carbon (ranging from 500 to 800 μΩ m), can provide a wide range of resistance values. Carbon film resistors feature a power rating range of 0.125 W to 5 W at 70 °C. This resistors has a operating  temperature ranging between -55 deg to 155 deg centigrade.
     b)Metal film:
        Image result for metal film resistor
                A common type of axial-leaded resistor today is the metal-film resistor. Metal Electrode Leadless Face (MELF) resistors often use the same technology, and are also cylindrical shaped but are designed for surface mounting. Note that other types of resistors (e.g., carbon composition) are also available in MELF packages.Metal film resistors are usually coated with nickel chromium (NiCr), but might be coated with any of the cermet materials listed above for thin film resistors. Unlike thin film resistors, the material may be applied using different techniques than sputtering (though this is one of the techniques).This resistors has a operating  temperature ranges about 150 deg centigrade.
     c)Wire wound type:
 Image result for wire wound resistor
               Wire wound resistors are commonly made by winding a metal wire, usually nichrome, around a ceramic, plastic, or fibre glass core. The ends of the wire are soldered or welded to two caps or rings, attached to the ends of the core. The assembly is protected with a layer of paint, moulded plastic, or an enamel coating baked at high temperature. These resistors are designed to withstand unusually high temperatures of up to 450 °C.
2)variable resistors:
       these resistors can be changed to any resistances to whatever we required.
Image result for potentiometer

            potentiometer or pot is a three-terminal resistor with a continuously adjustable tapping point controlled by rotation of a shaft or knob or by a linear slider. It is called a potentiometer because it can be connected as an adjustable voltage divider to provide a variable potential at the terminal connected to the tapping point. A volume control for an audio device is a common use of a potentiometer. The method was described by Johann Christian Poggendorff  around 1841. these are used to measure the voltages. For low-power applications (less than about 1 watt) a three-terminal potentiometer is often used, with one terminal unconnected or connected to the wiper.

             The most common way to vary the resistance in a circuit is to use a rheostatThe word rheostat was coined about 1845 by Sir Charles Wheatstone. The term "rheostat" is becoming obsolete,  with the general term "potentiometer" replacing it. For low-power applications (less than about 1 watt) a three-terminal potentiometer is often used, with one terminal unconnected or connected to the wiper. These have the resistance values from 1ohm to several kiloohms.
   3)Dependent type resistors:     
            thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature. Thermistors are widely used as inrush current limiter, temperature sensors,((PTC)positive temperature coefficient) self-resetting overcurrent protectors, and self-regulating heating elements(NTC(negative temperature co-efficient))
     the operating temperature is , typically −90 °C to 130 °C.   
  • With NTC, resistance Decreases as temperature rises to protect against inrush over voltage conditions. Commonly installed series in a circuit.
  • With PTC, resistance Increases as temperature rises to protect against over current conditions. Commonly installed series in a circuit.

             Sensistors are used in electronic circuits for compensation of temperature influence or as sensors of temperature for other circuits.
             Sensistor is a resistor whose resistance changes with temperature.The resistance increases exponentially with temperature,  Sensistors are used in electronic circuits for compensation of temperature influence or as sensors of temperature for other circuits.
     Sensistors are made by using very heavily doped semiconductors so that their operation is similar to PTC-type

         You might have wondering what are the lines across the resistor figures. Those are the colour bands which helps us to find out the resistance values.  
         this figure gives an idea about how to find out the value of the resistance. 
                                      This is the schmatic diagram of a resistor.
  in this, 1st and 2nd band says certain value, multiplier says the multiples of 10 and tolerance say the range of that value of resistance.
                            This figure gives an exact idea of the colour coding.
     note: some resistors contains of five bands wherein first 3 bands wil be the value followed by multiplier and tolerance.

           Resistor is a component which has a huge role in electrical and electronics, without this no device can be manufactured. Resistor opposes current and also gives major contribution in circuit like voltage divider circuit, as an attenator, feedback network etc.

               This is the information gathered from different references books and internet. If you have any feedback or any data was wrong please don't hesitate to write a comment below..